YEP…I am FIT to be TIED…all in a very good way of course.  Since my wedding anniversary is this month, I thought it would be FITTING to talk about fitness, marriage and anything else that may pop into my head as I put these thoughts together.     

First let me say that I consider my marriage to Don as one of the most defining successes in my life…it has taken half my life to get to this place, but the journey was worth the prize and I thank God every day for such a fabulous man to share my life.  I love that word…SHARE…and the beautiful part is that my journey in this life continues in a new way, as I grow daily as my own person, but also right alongside my partner, friend and husband.   Does that mean that everything is perfect, fairytale adventure, Cinderella land…well of course not…what it does mean is that through this journey of life, the challenges brought our way are now met with a fabulous combination of what two people bring to the table, faith that is shared, and a depth of connection that feels stronger than steel.


Whew…deep stuff but important at the same time.  Now let’s get down to being fit and marriage and you know me…say it like it is gal with my life to MOTIVATE you, but you know what…I love to write, have a passion to share and the two together just work…hence my Blog…and anything goes, so here it goes…

What the heck does fitness and health have to do with marriage…really???  OK…health and marriage go hand in hand in my opinion. Marriage certainly IS NOT a free pass to FRUMP land…OH MY and NO WAY.  I really do not understand this mentality because it truly says I do not care about myself…and further shouts that I do not care about my spouse.   Not for this girl…I do love myself and my spouse and believe that this temple of a body that I have been blessed with is going to continue to be blessed with healthy food, regular exercise and continue to be the BEST version of ME pre and post marriage.  I mean there was an initial attraction that brought me and my hubby together, and I appreciated the respect and care he took of himself.  That respect and care does not end at the “I Do” otherwise why not say “I Don’t”.  I have heard both sexes say things like “Oh I am married now, so I do not have to impress anymore”… HOW SAD is that.  I do not mean to offend in any way with my candid writing, but subjects like this get left on the back burners and not brought to the forefront. 

I certainly believe that the couple that plays together, stays together…and I mean all physical activity whether a workout, walk, run, hike, tossing a ball around, Frisbee, water sports, playful wrestling and SEX!  YES…I said it and YES…it is an important part of a healthy marriage, and studies show that a very active session can burn up to 200 calories…OH YEAH!   Who does not want to feel sexy…I know I do…and being a healthy person is what helps fulfill this part of my life.  There is no part of letting myself go that supports being and feeling sexy and in fact would strip me of my self confidence.  I am being real here about health and marriage and I am definitely NOT going to fall into some nonsense idea that marriage ends my health, begins the era of over sized sweat clothes, and says goodbye to all the beautiful parts of who I am.  I would have to say that it has enhanced it even more as I do want to be and feel sexy for my husband…am I saying I am being fit for him…NO…but in a way…YES.  It all works together and the want to be healthy for myself spills into the importance of being healthy for him.  I mean….really…who does not like to hear…BABE YOU ARE HOT!!! 

The other part of being healthy and married is that I want to be with my hubby for as long as I can on this earth and taking care of me is not a guarantee, but definitely increases the probability that this will occur.  Letting myself go for example comes with horrific side effects such as obesity, increased risk of disease, heart issues…and you know the list can go on and on….OK…BIG HELL NO to that.  It comes down to a healthy respect for me, my husband, and our marriage.  Sometimes I would like to shake some sense into the married ones out there and say “what the heck are you doing” and “what kind of examples are you setting for your little ones?”  Marriage is definitely not about the “ball and chain, never going to be happy again, with the same person, there goes the sex life, no more friends, what a nag, etc.” and if you are thinking like this as a married person…WHY?

Marriage is a CHOICE just like taking care of our health is a CHOICE and both are wonderful journeys that are happening simultaneously…take care of it, respect it, love it, treat it the way it should be treated and the reward is happiness and health for as long as the RIGHT CHOICES continue.   I know the more I treat both my health and marriage with these qualities, the happier I am as a woman and wife.  Getting back to being fit in the process…well that is a side effect of the healthy qualities that I incorporate daily and I WANT to last for my marriage lifetime. 




Happy Anniversary to my fabulous husband “Forever and a Day”… for YOU, Donnie!


The Gift is in the Giving, and for a very limited time only, to celebrate My Anniversary, YOU, Health, Happiness and Stay Healthy Fitness, my Stay Healthy Fitness Nutrition Guide will be emailed to you for a $10 donation.  Thank you all for the many MOTIVATIONAL comments, notes of appreciation, and emails sent to me through all my online mediums.  I read and respond to each and every one and hearing that I have helped YOU is YOUR gift to me.  Many Blessings to YOU and Stay Healthy!

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Have a Fabulous Week!
Stay Healthy!

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